Building Trust in Tomorrow
Allianz Trade, formerly Euler Hermes as you see reflected in the creative, is a trade credit insurance company based in Paris, France. In the wake of the pandemic, strains along the global value chain were more front and center than ever, so they launched content-heavy campaigns to educate and engage multinationals about minimizing risk and protecting cash flow.
I led content development, which involved in-depth interviews with economists and other top stakeholders at the then-Euler Hermes.
Top decision makers and C-suiters at multinational corporations around the world. Within that group was a mix of people who needed education about trade credit insurance and those already seeking it out to shore up their value chains.
The campaign, Building Trust in Tomorrow, combined hyper-relevant content—focusing on facts, risk levels across the supply chain, and economic forecasting—with elegant, simple design to communicate these complicated concepts quickly and effectively.
A mix of video, industry-specific fact sheets, and targeted promotion on LinkedIn helps us tell the full story and reach the right people.