Case Studies

By brand

I specialize in brand storytelling and development across websites, product journeys, and integrated creative campaigns. Explore a selection below and contact me for more details and insight.

By execution


I particularly enjoy engaging audiences through video — whether it’s a longer narrative piece that builds emotional connection or a shorter piece meant to entertain and educate quickly.

Info and sell sheets. Click to enlarge.

Get support connecting the dots between SMEs, sales, and marketing. I can do interviews, workshops, and research to create sell sheets based on vertical, target, and more for print or download.

Research papers. Click to enlarge.

If you’re looking for someone to dig in and go deep on a topic, whether you have the research already or not, I am great at making complicated topics easier to consume and understand.

PCOS 101 Guide

Digital Business Trends & Risks

Contact me for more samples, insight, and booking.